
Ombudsman of the Kingdom meet with the King of the Netherlands

The Hague, His Majesty King Willem-Alexander met with the Ombudsman of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on Wednesday afternoon, 30 October, 2019. It was the first time that the Ombudsman had a joint conversation with the King. The interview was part of King Willem-Alexander’s visit to the National Ombudsman in The Hague. Since October 10, … Read more

Ombudsman meets with Secretary General of VROMI to discuss concerns within the Ministry

PHILIPSBURG, Ombudsman Gwendolien Mossel held a meeting with the Secretary General of the Ministry of VROMI, Mr. Louis Brown, Acting head of the Inspectorate department, Mr. John Davis and Acting head of the Permits department, Mr. Charlon Pompier, regarding several pending cases concerning the Ministry. Lack of Responses The Ombudsman expressed serious concerns about the lack … Read more

Ombudsman meets with Minister Johnson to discuss concerns within the Ministry of TEATT

PHILIPSBURG, Ombudsman Gwendolien Mossel recently held a meeting with Minister Stuart Johnson upon his request to discuss pending cases and some other concerns of the Ombudsman as it relates to the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (TEATT). Importance of Compliance The Ombudsman highlighted the importance of compliance with recommendations issued to the Ministries … Read more

Ombudsman has introductory meeting with the Council of Ministers

PHILIPSBURG, Ombudsman Gwendolien Mossel recently had an introductory meeting with the Council of Ministers. The meeting was planned for some time, however was rescheduled on several occasions due to conflicting schedules. Ombudsman Gwendolien Mossel informs Council of Ministers During the meeting, the Ombudsman, who started her tenure on January 1, 2019, informed the Council of Ministers … Read more

10th Biennial CAROA Conference and Training Bermuda 2019

Ombudsman Gwendolien Mossel and Secretary General Randolf Duggins recently attended the 10th biennial Caribbean Ombudsman Association (CAROA) Conference which was held on the island of Bermuda from May 28th thru 29th, 2019. The theme of the conference was: “ Strengthening the role and performance of the Ombudsman and Human Rights Institutions in the Caribbean and Latin America”.  … Read more

Ombudsman concludes Systemic Investigation regarding Procurement process/Procurement Management Policy PJIAE N.V.

Philipsburg; Ombudsman Gwendolien Mossel recently concluded the systemicinvestigation regarding the Procurement process/Procurement Management Policy ofPrincess Juliana International Airport Operating Company N.V. (PJIAE N.V) at the level of the functionally responsible government body for PJIAE, the Shareholder Representative / Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (TEATT).After providing a Preliminary Findings Report, the Final Report … Read more