New Complaint Officer gives presentation to Group of 8 Students

PHILIPSBURG ….. ….On January 12 2015, Complaint Officer Carmencita P. Lammar gave a presentation to the Group 8 Students of the Sister Borgia School about the Role of the Ombudsman and the structure of the Sint Maarten Government.

The presentation is the first of many that are to follow this year as part of a ‘School Drive’. The initiative began in December 2014 when Ms. Lammar, representing the Ombudsman gave a presentation to grade 6 of the  M.A.C. School.

The purpose of the ‘School Drive’ is to provide youngsters with information about the institution of the Ombudsman, our Constitution and the governmental structure.

The Ombudsman listens, investigates, and recommends

Government to act on the concerns of the people

The Ombudsman is the Voice and Protector of the People

New Complaint Officer gives presentation to Group of 8 Students

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