Ombudsman announces Community Outreach Program

Ombudsman Gwendolien Mossel and her team will be starting a Community Outreach Program during the month of March. The Bureau will be visiting the various districts to seek out the concerns, grievances and complaints of the people as well as continuing to promote awareness on the role of the institution.

Objective of the Program

To achieve the objective of the program, the Ombudsman has solicited the assistance of the various community councils on the island, who were all recently invited to a meeting with the Ombudsman to be briefed about the program. The respective district councils will be requested to identify the most pressing/urgent cases of the less fortunate within their community where government action is required. Topics to be addressed include, but are not limited to: the elderly, single parent homes, the physically disabled, poverty, unhealthy living conditions etc.

After the persons have been identified, by the community councils, the Ombudsman team will visit these persons and document their individual circumstances, which will be compiled in a report that will include the Ombudsman’s findings, conclusions and recommendations. The anonymized report will be presented to Parliament and Government upon completion.

Contact the Bureau

Though many councils responded immediately to the call of the Ombudsman and attended the meeting, quite a few did not. The Ombudsman is hereby requesting all community councils that did not respond to contact the Bureau by calling 542-1250 or via email:, for more information.

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